Atlantic Research Marketing Systems, Inc. (West Bridgewater, MA) has sued Troy Industries, Inc. (West Springfield, MA) for infringement of Patent No. 7,707,762 directed to a modular integrated rail assembly for firearms. The complaint was filed the same day the patent issued.
A.R.M.S. had previously sued Troy Industries and its founder for breach of trade secrets and won a $1.8M jury verdict. That case is in post-trial motion phase. In fact, one week after this new complaint was filed, Judge Saris ruled on the pending 93A issues and awarded A.R.M.S. its reasonable fees and costs, including both attorneys and expert fees. (That decision can be found here and this blog’s discussion of the same can be found by scrolling down or clicking here.)
Atlantic Research Marketing Systems, Inc. v. Troy Industries, Inc., 10-10761-PBS (D. Mass. May 4, 2010)