Following a remand from the First Circuit, a case between an artist and the Cartoon Network over the animated series “Class of 3000” was reassigned to Judge Saris. Judge Harrington had originally granted a motion by the Cartoon Network to enforce a settlement agreement but the First Circuit reversed and sent it back for factual determinations regarding whether the plaintiff could be bound by the actions of his attorney during negotiations.
Judge Saris ruled no, and declined to order enforcement of the settlement. In particular, Judge Saris found that a voicemail and emails between the artist and his lawyer were sufficiently ambiguous as to whether the artist intended to give the Cartoon Network a general release as part of the settlement. The ambiguous written communications combined with the artist’s “emotional testimony” convinced the court that there was insufficient evidence evincing an intent to settle.
So the beat goes on.
McGee v. Cartoon Network, Inc., 08-11818-PBS (D. Mass. Feb. 22, 2011)