In May 2011 Judge Saris ruled that a patent directed to three-dimensional scanning was unenforceable due to inequitable conduct. Following the Federal Circuit’s tightening of inequitable conduct in its Therasense decision, Judge Saris vacated her earlier decision, holding that the facts of the case did not meet the hightened standard, noting that her previous findings of materiality had been “cast to dust.”
In addition Judge Saris granted summary judgment in favor of the patentee on 93A and Walker-Process anti-trust counterclaims and granted summary judgment in favor of the accused infringer of non-infringement of the resurrected patent. A motion for summary judgment of non-infringement of a second asserted patent was denied.
Metris U.S.A. Inc. v. Faro Tech., Inc., 08-11187-PBS (D. Mass. Sep. 19, 2011)
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